Not to be confused with a Business Plan, an Action Plan is an analysis drawn from a thoughtful, introspective written and verbal personal dialogue to understand the rationale and mindset that addresses the customer’s value proposition. To get there, we will investigate all the business disciplines that need to be adequately researched, developed, and executed to launch and operate your business model.

Personalized Action Plan

the image of two people's hands and their laptops open

Perspectives & Benefits

Every business is unique to its industry, its founder’s passion and mindset, and its growth potential. The challenge is to discover and understand a large set of variables through an efficient and affordable process. An Action Plan will lay out the path to your desired outcome while anticipating the variables and potential roadblocks.

If you have not yet written a Business Plan, an Action Plan will help you embrace a mental perspective in writing it. If you already have or are writing a business plan, you may decide to make a few changes.


Every Action Plan is personalized based on our dialogue and my understanding of your unique situation in your current stage of development. It’s designed to take you from your present stage and determine the appropriate steps to move you to the next stage.

Since funding is often a key milestone, it is helpful to define these stages with the typical corresponding funding scenario:

  1. From Ideation (pre-seed funding) to Startup.

  2. From Startup (pre-seed or seed funding) to Early-Stage.

  3. At Early-Stage, seeking additional seed or Round A funding to grow and scale the business.

The primary objective is to determine which areas of your business are strong, to be exploited, and which are weak, to be improved. To get to the desired outcomes, I will focus on analysis and planning so you can execute effectively.


Please review my standard Processing Procedure.

A Note About Accelerator and Incubator Programs

An Accelerator is a fixed-term (3 to 9 months), cohort-based program designed to accelerate the growth of startups.  An incubator is a longer-term (1 to 2 years) program that provides a supportive environment for early-stage startups to navigate the initial stages of building a company. Not every applicant is eligible for or accepted into an Accelerator or Incubator program. These programs are usually free to applicants, often operated by a Not-For-Profit entity, and are financially sponsored by one or more commercial organizations or foundations. Grant money goes to the Not-For-Profit for operating expenses, and sometimes, the offering of cash awards to the participants necessarily limits the available openings.

Acceptance is based on criteria set by the sponsor, e.g., underserved populations, geographic considerations, job growth potential, and community economic impact. Moreover, even when eligible, acceptance is governed by a panel that will award seats to individuals based on the sponsors’ criteria and a competitive application/interview process.

Having worked in several of these programs, I found that deserving applicants often don’t make the cut, usually because of the program’s restrictions on filling the available openings. Rather than leaving potentially successful applicants to find other resources, my Action Plan Service can assist many willing persons in still pursuing their passion at an affordable price.


Generally, an action plan can be completed as follows from the date of the Agreement:

  1. Ideation Stage Plan – 5-10 business days

  2. Startup or Early-Stage Plan – 10-15 business days

During that period there will often be a need for further clarifications or information. These will be handled by phone or email correspondence.


  1. My report will outline the issues we’ve discussed and the tactics that need to be executed to support the recommended or revised strategies.

  2. Following delivery of the plan, we will have a 60-minute Zoom call to discuss the plan and ask questions.

It is important to note that you are not hiring me to implement the recommendations included in the Action Plan. Executing the Action Plan remains your responsibility with my guidance. However, if you wish to engage my services to assist in executing the plan, that can be a follow-up conversation. (See Business Plan services, Proforma Financial Services, and Consulting services Sections)

Pricing And Billing

Ideation Action Plan: $350

Startup Action Plan: $450

I will send an invoice for a 50% deposit, with the balance due upon delivery of the plan.

Free And Discounted Update Service

Up to one year after the final invoice payment, I will provide an additional 60-minute call at no charge to answer follow-up questions or assist you with new situations that may have evolved since our initial engagement. Simply email me to request an appointment time.

If additional assistance is needed beyond the free call offer, I will provide any additional time at a 25% discount off my hourly rate.


If any service that I provide does not meet your satisfaction and expectations of the stated deliverable, I will work with you to rectify the situation to an amicable resolution.

Let's see if we're a good fit to get you moving forward.